James Donaldson Greeting from Swedish Hospital….. again!!! (July 15th 2018)


Now what!!!

Greetings everyone, I hope that you’re enjoying the most beautiful summer weekend so far in Seattle.

Guess what?

I’ve been locked up at Swedish Hospital in Seattle for the last five days, as I came down with a serious bacterial infection (skin and blood) pertaining to the arterial bypass procedure I had done three weeks ago.

I had the drainage catheter removed that I have been wearing for the last 10 days, this past Wednesday. A couple of hours after removal at my doctors appointment, I started feeling very nauseous, hot and cold sensations throughout my body, very fatigued and lethargic, a huge headache and sweating at times. I went to see my primary care physician, and he referred me to the emergency room where they treated by symptoms and then threw me in the ambulance and brought me up here to Swedish.

This is my third hospital stay, and my second emergency room visit in the last 30 days.

I’m just trying to get back on my feet again, return to “living my life“ and to get out there and enjoy the summer as all of you are.

Anyway, I wanted to keep you posted. The weekend infectious disease doctor came into see me a few minutes ago, and will definitely keep me here through the rest of the weekend and probably through Monday as well as they get their team of specialists together to figure out the best course of action moving forward.

One of the “course of actions“, involves possibly going back in to my surgical site, removing the artificial material that makes up the bypass, and either replacing it with a new, sterile piece of equipment, or doing something different. We will try to figure that out in the next couple of weeks.

You know, in all of the surgical procedures I’ve had over my life, I never quite fully understand the “seriousness“ of the various things that I am dealing with. But this time, I sense this is very serious, and bacterial infections are not anything that you want to mess around with.

(I’m sometimes a slow learner…)

So, as always my dear friends, I’m asking for your thoughts and prayers, and to keep me and other’s who are going through difficult times in mind. I’m still battling to get back on my feet again and back to full employment so I can take care of things as I used to, so I would appreciate any help in that regard as well. http://bit.ly/2miTfLe

Take care and all the best, your friend, James

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One thought on “James Donaldson Greeting from Swedish Hospital….. again!!! (July 15th 2018)

  1. James,

    I’m so sorry this occurred. One would hope the initial surgery was the big hurdle. It’s got to be tough to take on this second battle. Sounds like you’re in good hands and on the mend. Here’s hoping your stay is short and your recovery is quick and complete.

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