Are You And Your College-Bound Child…. College Ready?


Ahhh….. Spring is in the air, and high school and college graduation ceremonies are happening just about every weekend.

It’s an exciting time for students, an anxious time for parents, as all of those years of child rearing now come to the forefront, as you send your youngster off to college.

QuCertificateestion is, are you and your college-bound child, college ready? Do you know what the college experience is all about, and are you sure that you are enrolling your child into a college where they will succeed and excel and graduate? Is your child sure about what degree path they want to pursue and in which field they want to graduate? Are you aware of all of the federally backed financial aid, scholarships, grants, etc. that are available for anyone who enrolls at an accredited college/university? Where do you even begin to research all of that?

I’ve been involved with education and helping students on the college for quite a few years. My latest endeavor is in working with international students from China as they come here to the United States to enroll in various high schools, community colleges and universities. And, as I continue working with them and their parents as they enroll as international students, my passion is always been helping the “at risk” and “underprivileged” students and families right here in the United States, find a pathway on to college, graduate, and then have a much better outlook on life than they could have possibly have imagined otherwise.All Achievers Event in Seattle - 2016

I just completed an awesome certification program for the HIFE (Heartland Institute of Financial Education) College Planning Program to be a consultant/coach for students who are embarking upon their collegiate career. I think this is a fantastic opportunity to work hand-in-hand with a person who is certified, to work with you and walk with you every step of the way, starting as early as the eighth grade and all the way through your college experience. I am now certified to be one of those persons, who can work directly with the students, families, college administrators, and of course, the great team of experts who provide all of the expertise and resources from HIFE. My job is to help your young students, identify the field of interest that they would like to pursue a degree in, give them information on the industry that they are interested in getting their degree in, provide various assessments, pursue any type of financial aid/assistance (scholarships, grants, financial aid, etc.) that are available and ready to be tapped into what the family and the student. And so much more!

If you are interested in our services, I would be more than happy to work with you and your child, to see what financial resources are available to ease that financial burden that enrolling in college brings, and very few people are prepared for. A lot of times, families are under the misconception that financial assistance, is only reserved for “minorities”, scholarship athletes, or other “privilege” groups, but that’s far from the truth, and there is so much money available that people are not aware of, that a lot of it goes unused.

I would be happy to answer any questions that you have in regards to our College Planning Program, and I would be very honored to work with you closely.

If you would like, please send me an email with any questions that you may have, and I’ll be glad to answer them. You can email me at

If you are like most parents, you have dreamed all the child’s life, of the day that they go off to college. Now that time is here, and there is still so many unanswered questions, to make your child’s collegiate experience the best possible. Finally, help, and the aCollege Planning Information  (2)nswers to all your questions is here!


College Planning Information


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