James Donaldson on Mental Health – Suicide at the Holidays: Suicide is the Second Leading Cause of Death Among College Students


Suicide at the Holidays

Here is an interesting article I came across today about college students and suicide during the holidays. I know it’s not the most pleasant topic to talk about, but since it is happening at an alarming rate, and my whole new “thing”, is to be a voice and advocate for mental health awareness, I wanted to share this with you.

The holidays are a difficult time for everyone, if not dealing with depression and anxiety, there’s always the stress of traveling to be with family, shopping for the right gifts, having your house in order to receive company, etc.

And, there’s a lot of folks like me, alone during the holidays, that could use a good friend, and someone to reach out to them to be a “day brightener”.

So, while we’re at it during the holidays, let’s keep in mind those who may not get a chance to get a lot of social interaction, our senior citizens, the homeless, the poverty-stricken population, your kids away at college, and so many more. And, there’s a lot of folks in the hospitals during the holidays who could use a visitor.


Here’s the article I wanted to share with you today:

According to the American College Health Association (ACHA), the suicide rate among young adults, ages 15-24, has tripled over the last two generations.

If we want that to change, DBSA needs your support.

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance recognize the transition to adulthood can be one of the most trying times in a person’s life. The uncertainty of the future, the fear of not fitting in, the stark reality of student loan debt, and the pressures of succeeding academically, can all contribute to mental health crises and substance use.

Connecting individuals with mental health conditions with peer support have been proven to lessen the risk of suicide and to improve quality of life. With over 21 million adults with a mood disorder in the United States, just think about the impact we could have.

DBSA is committed to providing free, quality peer mental health support, but now more than ever we need your help in order to continue expanding our reach.

Visit [email protected] for more information.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

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