By Lurie Children’s Hospital

Despite efforts to return to a version of “post-#pandemic normalcy,” the reality is that #youth in the #UnitedStates are still struggling, concerningly so, with their #mentalhealth. It’s no question that the height of #COVID-19 took a social, emotional and mental toll on #school-aged #kids who went through a uniquely isolating experience.
What #pediatric psychology experts continue to clarify, and what a study by Lurie Children’s #physicians revealed, was that the #youth #mentalhealthcrisis was serious long before their worlds changed in spring of 2020. According to the study (, there was a surge of emergency visits related to #youth #suicideideation from 2016 to 2019.
“These problems were happening before the #pandemic,” said Dr. Audrey Brewer, co-author and general pediatrician at Lurie Children’s. “This has been an issue for so long, and it’s getting worse.”
While it can be a scary and daunting subject for families to surface with #kids and #adolescents, what experts have learned is that communication about #suicide can make all the difference in potential outcomes. Mallory Hilliard, clinical #socialworker at the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and #BehavioralHealth at Lurie Children’s, sheds light on who #suicideideation is impacting and the importance of raising these hard conversations at a time when #suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals ages 10-14 (CDC, 2020).
“#Teens are particularly at risk for developing #suicidalideations or attempting #suicide due to several factors, including puberty and increase in hormone development as well as ongoing brain development,” Hilliard said.
#Parents and #caregivers should be observant of their child’s #behavior and know that risk factors can include things such as:
•?#School #stress
•?Community violence and #trauma
•?Lack of access to medical and #mentalhealthcare
•?Peer difficulty (i.e., difficulty with friendships, difficulty with romantic relationships)
•?#Bullying/interpersonal violence
•?A history of #mentalhealth diagnoses, such as #depression or #anxiety
•?Feelings of #hopelessness
•?A history of suicidal thinking or #suicideattempts
Hilliard says there can be additional risk factors dependent on #gender, #race and #ethnicity, and being a member of the #LGBTQIA community. Young people who identify with the #BIPOC (#Black, Indigenous, and #PeopleofColor) communities and with the #LGBTQIA communities are at greater risk of #mentalhealthconditions and #suicideattempts.
If families suspect their loved one is struggling with their #mentalhealth, one of the most important and encouraged actions to take is to inquire about #suicide.
“Myths suggest that by asking young people about #suicide that it will ‘plant’ a thought in their head; however, data consistently suggests this is not true and continues to support the critical importance of asking young people directly about #suicide and suicidal thinking,” Hilliard said.
Hilliard believes it’s important to create a safe space for young people by not only hearing and validating whatever feelings they might bring up but thanking them for trusting you with the vulnerable details in the first place.
“In talking with a young person about #suicide, whether they know anyone who has attempted #suicide or if they themselves have ever had these thoughts, it can also be helpful to keep questions as open-ended as possible,” Hilliard said.
She suggests follow-up questions that are rooted in empathy and that create trust, such as “I want to understand this thought and feeling a bit more. Tell me more about what was causing this #stress and what the thought felt like.”
#James Donaldson notes:
Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.
Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.
Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space. #
Order your copy of James Donaldson’s latest book,
From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy
In addition to creating open lines of honesty and communication, ensuring safety is vital when a young person reports suicidal thinking, a history of #suicideattempts, or other #mentalhealth related concerns.
For #parents, this may look like:
•?Restricting access to all lethal means, including #firearms and other weapons
•?Reaching out to the child’s medical provider for further guidance
•?Seeking an emergency psychiatric evaluation in an emergency department or through a community #mentalhealth agency
For peers and other individuals, this may look like:
•?Talking to a #school #counselor about their concerns
•?Providing friend(s) with crisis hotline numbers such as #988 and encouraging them to call
“There is never a wrong time or reason to seek help for yourself or for someone you care about,” Hilliard said. “If someone reports they’re experiencing #suicidalthoughts, it’s important to seek help immediately.”
While navigating a #mentalhealthcrisis can be tricky, it should never be ignored or assumed that it will resolve itself. Discussing scenarios and treatment options without shame and judgment helps reduce the #stigma of #mentalhealth difficulties and creates emotional safety for #children, #adolescents and #adults alike.
If immediate safety concerns become apparent at any time, it’s always recommended to go to the nearest emergency department where a #psychiatric assessment can be provided, or to access crisis resources such as the #NationalSuicideandCrisisHotline (text or call #988) or the crisis line through the #TrevorProject, 1-(866) 488-7386.
• Children’s health is a continuing series. This week’s article is courtesy of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. For more information, visit

James Donaldson is a Washington State University graduate (’79). After an outstanding basketball career with WSU, he went on to play professional basketball in the NBA with the Seattle Supersonics, San Diego/L.A. Clippers, Dallas Mavericks, New York Knicks, and Utah Jazz. He also played for several teams in the European Leagues in Spain, Italy, and Greece, and he toured with The Harlem Globetrotters to wrap up his career. James was an NBA All-Star in 1988 while playing center for the Dallas Mavericks. In 2006, James was inducted into the Pac-10 Sports Hall of Fame and also the Washington State University Athletic Hall of Fame. In 2010, James was elected as a board member for the NBA Retired Players Association.
James frequently conducts speaking engagements (motivational, inspirational, educational) for organizations, schools, and youth groups.
In 2010, James was the recipient of the NBA Legends of Basketball ABC Award, awarded for outstanding contributions in Athletics–Business–Community.
He believes in being a role model for success and professionalism to the scores of young people to whom he devotes so much of his time. He currently serves on several boards and committees and is a member of many organizations.
James believes in developing relationships that create a “Win-Win” environment for everyone involved, and in being the best he can be!
For more information about James Donaldson or to request he speak at your event, contact him at:
[email protected]
1-800-745-3161 (voicemail & fax)
James Donaldson is the author of “Standing Above The Crowd” and “Celebrating Your Gift of Life” and founder of the Your Gift of Life Foundation which focuses on mental health awareness and suicide prevention, especially pertaining to our school aged children and men.
If you’re interested in having James come and speak to your group of young adults, business entrepreneurs, aspiring political and community leaders, and athletic teams, please contact him at [email protected] and or leave a personal message for him at 1-800-745-3161. Keep up with him and read about how he is reaching out and making a difference in the lives of so many around the world at