#JamesDonaldson on #MentalHealth – #MentalIllness Is Epidemic Within The #Coronavirus #Pandemic

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In the face of a global crisis, we are at a critical pivot point for #mentalhealth in our country and policymakers must rise to the challenge

Benjamin F. Miller

We were already in crisis before the #coronavirus hit. 

People were dying from alcohol, drugs, and #suicide, were lonely and isolated, and this was before we asked them to isolate even more. Most people recover from the #coronavirus in weeks; our health care and social service systems were failing these people before it ever became overwhelmed by a #virus. 

Social #isolation and #loneliness are linked to a variety of #mental and physical health problems. From #depression to heart disease, these health conditions often get worse when we are alone. Some have even claimed the impact of #loneliness on our health is the same as smoking or obesity — and in some cases worse when we consider all the social and economic factors. 

Life expectancy in the #UnitedStates had already been on the decline, in part driven by unaddressed issues that were some part some social, some part economic, and many parts #mentalhealth. Deaths to drug, alcohol, and suicide continue to skyrocket reaching levels that we have never seen. And these issues impact all generations and all ethnic and minority groups though at differing degrees of severity. In the best of times, our country still had not resolved itself that #mentalhealth and addiction were big enough a priority; now, in the face of a global crisis, we are at a critical pivot point for #mentalhealth in our country, and policymakers must rise to the challenge.

And if the first round of stimulus legislation holds any clues, #mentalhealth is still not being taken as seriously as it should despite the fact that impact of #coronavirus is very real for many #Americans. 

#JamesDonaldson notes:

Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.

Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.

Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticle

#COVID-19 and #mentalhealth 

In a recent survey by Benenson Strategy Group, a split sample of 775 adults over 18 were asked questions specific to the #coronavirus and #mentahealth. From these data several trends emerge that provide more support for the need to prioritize #mentalhealth — and that every lawmaker at every level should understand that by not prioritizing #mentalhealth, we may yet again be adding a problem on top of a problem. 

In a matter of weeks, an alarming 55% of adults interviewed said that the #coronavirus has affected their #mentalhealth. It’s hard to imagine a scenario dealing with something as unknown as #coronavirus and not be a bit stressed; however, at this moment the multitude of stressors may be like pouring gasoline on top of an existing wildfire.   

And while the national conversation has rightly focused on the importance of physical distancing to stop the spread of #coronavirus, 71% of those surveyed are worried this isolation will have a negative impact on American’s #mentalhealth. And data support their worry. Another recently released survey showed that it’s not just our #anxiety about ourselves getting sick with #coronavirus but also our loved ones.

Call for action

In this #coronavirus world, we have already seen some shift from Washington in how #mentalhealth needs could be delivered e.g. telepsych services, but the question remains is it enough to start to address the deaths of despair in this country. There is much more that we must do, and now is the time for us to take major action on #mentalhealth.  

? Invest real dollars in a different type of solution: While our current #mentalhealthsystem needs dollars to support it during this crisis, simply putting more money into something that was already broken does not fix it alone. While the CARES Act provides $425 million to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, one has to ask why in a two trillion-dollar bill something so important as #mentalhealth didn’t have a few more zeros behind it. It seems as if this is the time to get things right with Congress by putting billions into mental health, not the budget dust offered up through CARES. 

Reconsider our current policies and structures in light of a post #coronavirus world: Congress should reassess certain longstanding policies and administrative structures that often impede our ability to achieve meaningful #mentalhealth reform. From only allowing certain #mentalhealth clinicians to bill Medicare, to how we pay our #mentalhealth clinicians, the pre- #coronavirus world wasn’t working to support team-based and integrated approaches to #mentalhealth so let’s reconsider all these policies now. For a full list of policies that Congress could consider see here.

? Adopt a national framework for excellence in #mentalhealth: #Mentalhealth should be everywhere people show up with needs, and we should not have to wait until we are in crisis or have a diagnosis to get this help. Let’s stop telling people where they have to go for #mentalhealthcare, and equip our schools, our prisons, our libraries, our technologies — everywhere with the ability to address #mentalhealth and addiction. Without a clear vision of what excellence looks like for #mentalhealth, we are left with the system we have with no clear north star to follow. Congress could rectify this by adopting a clear integrated framework taking it to scale through funding and implementation. 

Post #coronavirus, our country is going to have a major problem to contend with that was already there before and is likely being felt by millions during. Let’s collectively find our voice to demand that this Congress do something more for our #mentalhealth. 

Benjamin F. Miller is a clinical psychologist and the chief strategy officer of Well Being Trust and adjunct professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the Stanford School of Medicine. Follow hm on Twitter: @miller7

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
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