#JamesDonaldson on #MentalHealth – #Suicide, The Epidemic We Are Overlooking


Do not blame or shame someone for thinking of #suicide, or call it a selfish act. It undermines the struggle the person is going through.

New Delhi | Updated: June 23, 2020 8:48:57 pmsushant singh rajput, sushant singh rajput suicide, sushant singh rajput death, mental health, depression, milind deoraSocietal and global issues can wear down on us and affect our #mental and physical health.

Written by Pooja Saraff

It is hard to believe when we lose someone to #suicide, especially when it is a successful and popular public figure. It does not just affect the family and friends of the person who dies, but in the case of popular figures, it brings a sense of loss to the community.

Every death by #suicide leaves behind a trail of questions and a deep sense of helplessness. In the context of the ongoing and unpredictable #COVID-19 #pandemic, the helplessness is exacerbated. What is in our control, however, is to do more to identify the crisis building within ourselves and others, and to learn how to avert it.

#Suicide is considered a preventable cause of death and does not always involve a history of #mentalillness. Societal and global issues can wear down on us and affect our #mental and physical health. Recent data from the Global Burden of Disease project by the #WorldHealthOrganisation shows that the #suicide rates for Indian #men and #women are 1.5 and 2 times the global #suicide rate respectively. Further, in #India, #suicide is the number one cause of death for both sexes between the age of 15 and 39, probably pointing to the significant developments related to career and family typically experienced during these ages.

Across the globe, #suicide rates among the elderly are falling, but in #India there is a trend for sharp increase in #suicide rates in old age (70 and above). These trends point to some socio-cultural issues related to age and gender that may affect #suicide rates. Indeed, a recent review of #suicide data in India found some factors that put an individual more at risk — #male unemployment, married #female, physical illnesses and #socialisolation among the elderly, rate of agricultural employment in the state, minority community status, domestic violence, family problems, and alcoholism.

This just goes to show that the broader political, economic, and socio-cultural factors play a very important role in our #mental well-being and we must not blame every case on #mentalillness. Of course, when one is in a suicidal state, there is intense emotional turmoil. These environmental and personal stressors can add up and create a sense of a “life not worth living”. Many of us have thoughts about death at some point in life, such as “death would be easier”, or, “I cannot go on, I want to get away”. However, it is important to recognise when this changes to active desire for killing oneself such as “I want to hurt or kill myself”. The risk for #suicide is higher when these thoughts become intentions and there is a specific plan (time, place, method) that comes to mind.

The first step here should be to get away from any lethal means of hurting yourself. Poisonous substances, medicines, equipment like weapons or rope need to be thrown away or removed. Discussing the problem with someone who can help you keep safe is also important. Lock the medicines and give the key to someone else. Give your wallet and car keys to others for safekeeping. Get away from any location where these thoughts are more intense or places your mind had chosen to carry out the plan. Get to a place of safety or distraction, such as a park or café. Stay away from drugs and alcohol when you are feeling low, because they affect emotions negatively and lead to more impulsivity and reduced problem-solving. Reasoning and problem-solving capacity greatly reduces during a suicidal crisis, making situations seem more dire and hopeless. In these moments, you may feel intense agitation, self-hatred, hopelessness, and #mental anguish.

However, it is important to realise that suicidal thoughts come and go, and that if you make it through the most difficult moments, you have a chance at feeling better. It is not a battle to be fought alone however, and we need an army of support including personal and professional support, and therapy and pharmacological treatment. You shouldn’t delay getting professional help at this juncture.

#Stigma related to #mentalhealthissues prevents help-seeking by persons who are suffering. For instance, non-suicidal self-injury includes acts committed intentionally to hurt oneself but not to kill oneself, such as cutting, scratching, hitting, or burning oneself. These acts are related to higher likelihood of #suicide attempts in the future and therefore can be seen as a gateway to #suicide attempts . However, such behaviour is often looked down upon and dismissed as attention-seeking. On the contrary, research has consistently shown that people engage in these behaviour to regulate their negative emotions and not to seek attention from others.

Therefore, we must not let our assumptions get in the way of providing support and attempts of the patient to reach out to others. Criminalisation of #mentalhealthissues also adds to this #stigma. #Suicide attempts are also no longer considered a criminal act in #India under the Mental Healthcare Act passed in 2017. Therefore, let that not stop you from accurately reporting a #suicide attempt or seeking help. The biggest myth I want to dispel is that asking or talking about #suicide does not plant ideas or increase the risk of #suicide in someone else. If you suspect someone is going through a tough time, ask them whether they are having thoughts about death or #suicide. Do not blame or shame someone for thinking of #suicide, or call it a selfish act. It undermines the struggle the person is going through, further stigmatises the thoughts, and prevents them from opening up.

Listen to the person, support them without judging their struggle, get them professional help and resources, and keep reaching out to them even after they are connected to treatment. Social support is a known protective factor against #suicide, meaning that it reduces the likelihood that a person will attempt #suicide. Therefore, reaching out to others even when they are not obviously struggling is very important.

Similarly, we need to reach out to others when we are struggling. Often, we assume that others are too busy or don’t care, or won’t understand us. However, we have to take the crucial step to let others know how we feel clearly. This can be hard when we feel like we don’t belong, or are a burden on others, or are not amongst well-wishers. In these instances, we need to try harder to find at least one person who may be supportive and helpful. Also, they may not be able to solve our problems, but having emotional support can help us feel less alone. It also doesn’t make us emotionally weak to need others, because we all go through emotionally overwhelming times when objective and rational perspective of others can help us see through our emotions. You can also start by contacting your local crisis or #mentalhealthhelpline to get professional help. A list of helplines in #India is available here: http://www.suicide.org/hotlines/international/indiasuicide-hotlines.html.

#JamesDonaldson notes:

Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.

Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.

Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticle

It may also help to use the app Stay Alive, which is a UK-based app that follows all recommended guidelines for #suicideprevention and provides information and resources to cope with suicidal thoughts. The app is meant as a self-help tool but cannot be a replacement for professional help. Remember, when in doubt whether anything can make you feel better, start by simply reaching out.

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